

Healthprogram of the World Champion Coach & App for companies

Profitable concept & company branded app!

A profit for you & your employees!


Humans are not born to sit and spend many hours in front of the computer every day. Lack of exercise leads to more than 90% of all illnesses – so-called “lifestyle deseases!” High demands at the workplace need compensation, to maintain health, vitality and creativity

The concept

Physical fitness & Winning mentality!

Our overall concept provides a “Winning mentality” and has as a basis positive thinking, physical and mental fitness, healthy nutrition and leads to extremely positive results for employees and companies!


This concept is much more than ergonomically correct sitting or working out in a gym!

With the “Fit in 11 Minutes” app – company branded for you –  a personal training program with the most effective and best exercises in the world is waiting for you and your employees.


Businessman mit verschränkten Armen

Modular structure:

  • Seminars for top management, executives, employees
  • Training of multipliers
  • Speaker for motivation
  • Health Consulting
  • “Fit in 11 minutes” – app branded for your company and MP3 files for deep relaxation, burn-out prophylaxis and Winning Mind Set® for every employee


If you want more information, please contact us



2 Läufer am lachen

Profit forecast & results

The Winning training programs create the necessary balance for their employees and help their company to achieve additional profit.

Improvement in fluctuation, sickness rate and productivity


Unbeatable results:

Self-confidence & optimism: whole new level after 2-days-training
Englische Grafik Verbesserung Fitnessstufe 93% of the participants have improved their fitness level
EN Grafik mentale Staerke 89% improvement of fitness level and reduction of %-body fat

A company is only as strong as its people … and the people are only as strong as their health and fitness will allow