

Personality training for Young Potentials

Fit for the business life!

75% of training fee financially supported!


With this training program the basics for a successful career will be laid!

The financially promoted program  supports the development of the personality of your young potentials and also forms a close personal relationship and identification with your company.

The essential contents of our personality development programs are individually adapted in 3 modules – of 2 days each – to your young employees.

Modular seminar structure:

Module 1: The way to become a champion in professional life
Module 2: Winning teamtraining
Module 3: Stressmanagement

If you want to have more information, please contact EVA BAUMANN –
Projectmanager “Winning Champion School” 


Module 1: The way to become a champion

  • Attitude is everything! Strengthening  of the personality in theory and practice with back home –  program (App)


  • Promotion of physical fitness & mental strength as a basis for a successful life (individual back home – program)


  • Finding of personal talents, goals, visions & dreams. Definition of first steps and implementation towards the goals. 


  • First steps toward a Winning Mind Set (self-confidence, optimism and courage …) as a basis for future successes. 


For more information, please contact us.



Lehrlingstraining, Lehrlinge in Startpostition

Module 2: Winning teamtraining

  • From the individual to the team – Basics of a successful teamwork


  • Trust, respect, appreciation, team spirit …


  • Experience of winning team qualities in different adventures and exercises


  • Definition of winning team qualities and action plan for practical implementation 



For more information, please contact us.



Lehrlingstraining, Lehrlinge in Startpostition

Stressmanagement Training

  • Stressmanagement & regeneration


  • Learn effective and simple stressmanagement strategies to be more balanced in work and private life and to be better at dealing with stress.


  • Back home-program for a healthy lifestyle: mp3 – files + app


For more information, please contact us.